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We had an amazing response to our Photo Competition 2017. Thank you to all our lovely customers for sending most beautiful photos of your projects. It was really hard to choose and we narrowed it down to top 10 and let Industry Experts pick the winner with a voting system and we are pleased to announce this year's winner is Craig Shields for his Sawn Buff project. Here are some photos for you all to see and enjoy.
You can purchase Sawn Buff online: https://pavingstonesdirect.co.uk/29-sawn-buff-from-21499
Thank you all for your input and please keep the photos coming for next year's Competition. Craig can choose £100.00 off his next order from us or get a £100.00 gift card of any chosen High Street Shop. #pavingstonesdirect #photocompetition
Thank you very much from everyone at Paving Stones Direct.
https://pavingstonesdirect.co.uk/ T: 0800 047 0427